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Thoughts on Labor Day

What does Labor Day mean to America?  Speaker, humorist and poet, Art Holst, shares his thoughts…


Art HolstThe life of a human being, taken in total, is far more than just having things. There is a spiritual side of life that is at least as important as the material side. However, the spiritual or emotional side of life is made better because of the material side, or “things.” I believe there is a simple formula for all material progress and it is as follows:

MMW = RM + MP x T

MMW means “man’s material welfare.” RM stands for “raw materials.” MP stands for “man power” and T stands for “tools.”

Labor Day is the holiday when we as Americans honor the “MP” manpower part of the equation. It began as an idea in New York City in 1882 as a “day off for working citizens”. On June 28, 1894, the United States Congress made Labor Day a National Holiday. There were parades, fireworks and speeches by prominent people. We celebrate it more now with picnics, boating, barbecues, swimming and travel. It’s like a salute to the end of Summer, and a last opportunity for travel before school begins. It also signals a beginning for the college and NFL football season, which of course is one of my favorite times of the year. In spite of all of that, the reason for Labor Day in the first place is still valid and should not be overlooked in the midst of all the end of Summer fun.

Raw Materials have no value until we add value to them by mining, processing, shaping, forming, painting, and in a variety of other ways. So Raw Materials are fundamental to production. The multiplying factor in our equation is the “T, the Tools, which are provided by investment capital and without them we would still be doing most everything by hand. This is still true in many parts of the world.  Investors, stockholders, or single small business owners are needed to provide the capital which, in turn, furnishes the tools. But nothing happens until all three parts of the equation come together. Labor has no tools without capital and tools mean nothing without a skilled man or woman to use them in shaping a brighter material future for America.

So, on September 7th, we recognize and celebrate that vital part of the equation for all material progress, the men and women with the skill to use the tools to create an even brighter future for our country.

Into each car, or computer,
Each piece, and part and whole
Go the tools and skillful labor
That gives the work a soul.



– Art Holst



Art Holst is a motivational speaker and legend in the speaking industry. His broad background provides the foundation for his messages spiced with inspiration, humor, and poetry. To learn more about Art go to or


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