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Reviews of Our Speakers

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“The conference was a huge success, capped off by your fantastic message that tied it all together. Thanks for your professionalism and for your expert contribution to our user base’s education.” –IDEXX Laboratories

“I have been around our group of great people for 7 years. Never have I seen them so focused and intent on a meeting presentation. Lisa had them from the first few words!!” –AgVenture Inc.

“Lisa is one of the easiest presenters to work with and doesn’t disappoint. She’s prepared, professional and wants to make sure your audience’s needs are met!” –Texas Society of Association Executives (TSAE)

"Simply The best"

“The verbal comments I heard were all very positive and Lisa was (as usual) a delight to work with.” –WinWholesale

“Having you speak at our Management Conference exceeded my expectations and was the perfect way to wrap up two days of corporate result overviews. Our team here at AWG left uplifted, motivated and ready to embrace the change that they themselves will be creating. Continue your good work and I look forward to crossing paths in the future.” –Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc.

“Thank you for helping make our Master Series a huge success. It was a pleasure working with you, as your professionalism showed in many ways. You spent a great deal of time with us before your presentation, and I really appreciate the way you tied your presentation to our business! We have had many impactful speakers, but none have gotten such rave reviews as you have!” —Lifetouch, Inc.

“Desi Williamson is a high energy, high impact speaker. He uses real-life examples to reinforce his message and has strong oratory skills to captivate and motivate his audience.” –EyeMed Vision Care

“I just wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was to meet you last week and to have you close our Future Connect Conference on such a high note. You did a great job and people loved your presentation! I hope we have the opportunity to work together again. And based on the people clamoring around you afterwards, I expect you’ll be getting some repeat business in the supermarket industry! Desi, again it was just a pleasure to work with you and I hope to see you when I’m in Minneapolis, AND to work with you again sometime! I’d be happy to serve as a reference should you need it.” –Food Marketing Institute

“Desi Williamson is a true professional dedicated to his craft and committed to inspiring, entertaining and energizing his audience. He is a gifted and powerful storyteller, a funny and engaging speaker, and a natural motivator – his story is one that simply needs to be heard. I look forward to working with him in the future (we have already confirmed him on future agendas) and give him my full recommendation as a speaker – he’s one of the best.” –Evanta

“Thank you for delivering a spectacular Closing Keynote presentation at the Houston HR Leadership Summit. The responses have been overwhelmingly great! Your ability to engage the audience and keep their attention for the entire time speaks louder than words. I kept my eye on the audience – they were spell-bound with smiles on their faces. Your personality, passion, humor, lessons and coaching was certainly refreshing during these times in which we’re all experiencing. Your message integrated seamlessly with the skills and the experience of the audience.” –Houston HR Leadership Summit

“From our initial meeting, I was aware of Desi’s authenticity and quickly learned his life’s passions. He shared personal and inspiring examples that were real and tangible, and he took the time to learn as much as he could about our business and presentation goals. Whenever he had questions or suggestions prior to the Summit event, he didn’t hesitate to reach out and contact us. Desi’s delivery at the Leadership Summit was exceptional and nothing short of entertaining. He utilized props, video clips, humor, music and pictures to engage the audience in his powerful performance. His stories and learned lessons were practical ideas and things that the audience could relate to. Desi demonstrated how to inspire greatness within oneself and with others and also shared how to positively manage change. I highly recommend Desi and believe he exhibits many of the qualities that are essential to delivering powerful presentations.” –Wells Fargo & Company

“I can’t tell you how much we enjoyed your presentation at our convention in Las Vegas. You were absolutely incredible in the short preparation time you had prior to our event! I can’t tell you how much it meant to us for you to incorporate information and goals about Golden Corral in your speech (and without notes!).” –Golden Corral Corp.

“I attended the Itron User’s Conference this year and one of my most memorable experiences was the speaker, Desi Williamson. I was so impressed and motivated by him. Mr. Williamson, please continue to do what you do, how you do it – because you do it so very well. Thank you so much for the 3 Inspiration steps: reignite your purpose, raise your own standard of performance, and create the desired change that you want. I will definitely use the steps to inspire myself to change and be better at whatever I choose to do. Thanks so much for a powerful and motivating speech. It was timely and effective.” –Attendee, Itron Users Conference

“Desi was great, and had so many positive comments about his delivery and message. He is an inspiration, yet provided our team members with some practical solutions on how to achieve their dreams and goals.” –Wells Fargo

“Attendees of the Governor’s Summit on Workforce Solutions were treated to a fabulous and energetic speaker. Mr. Desi Williamson’s motivational speech touched on the importance of perseverance and overcoming difficult situations and moving forward to create successes from life’s learned lessons. He repeatedly emphasized how personal choices can help develop one in handling situations, good or bad, and how those decisions will determine the ultimate outcome. Many in the audience gave Williamson a standing ovation, some wiped tears from their faces as he closed. His personal experiences brought the presentation to life and hit home with many of our attendees.” –Wyoming Dept. of Workforce Services

“Coming into this year and this meeting, our goal was to re-instill confidence in our organization and make them believe they could be hugely successful if they had the proper mindset. Your message, powered by your attitude, energy, and enthusiasm went a long way to making them believe they could…I think what the group really enjoyed was the fact that you personalized your story and you took the time to learn about us and how your message could make a difference for us. Not many speakers take the time to learn as much as you did about our company and our business; as a result, the audience felt as though they could connect with what you were saying and that you were speaking to them. The feedback was very positive and the clamor about your address lasted for weeks following the meeting.” –Abbott Virology

“Desi was outstanding. His amount of research and subsequent inclusion of the information he learned into his presentation was most impressive. He provided a message that reinforced our meeting objectives in a very memorable way. He received a jump-up standing ovation when he finished — something that most of our speakers do not get. He is by far one of our all time great speakers. All in all, Desi was effective, articulate, spellbinding, and wonderful. He’s a fun, positive person to be around — very easy-going and low maintenance. We more than got our money’s worth to be sure. All of us agree there just aren’t enough compliments and big fancy complimentary words to go around for Desi! –Hy-Vee

“Thank you for your engaging and inspiring talk with our Textron Women in Technology Group. I guarantee…no sleepers in the audience. Funny, humorous and warm…great job!” –Textron

“This is the second year we’ve had Desi speak to franchisees and staff members of Express Employment Professionals, and as expected his presentation was top-notch. The program was excellent for inspiring and motivating our attendees, as well as getting the meeting off to a great start. The attendees loved him.” –Express Employment Professionals

“Thank you for your outstanding presentation at our National Sales Meeting. Your speech provided an incredible kick-off for our meeting by setting a positive and enthusiastic tone. I have received countless rave reviews from those in attendance. Most importantly, you left all of us with a clear vision of what is required of us to be successful; commitment, endurance, flexibility to meet the challenge of change, and the courage to keep a clear perspective of goals in spite of adversity. Thanks again for a dynamic presentation!” –Constantine Carpet

“Desi was exceptional. He provided a strong message that conferees could think about in both their professional and personal life. He is energetic and involves the audience throughout his presentation.” –National Association of Water Companies

“I knew you had hit the mark with our employees when individual employees took the time to come to you personally and thank you for your presentation. One employee in particular said that he had come to the presentation with a negative attitude expecting “the same as usual,” but was so impacted by what you had to say that he wanted to thank you personally. When you can reach employees like that, you know you’ve done your job!” –Sycuan Resort & Casino

“Thank you for such a stellar performance at our recent Gm conference. Your presentation was truly motivational and certainly has the attention of everyone present. Long story short, you definitely made an IMPACT.” –Hilton Hotels Corporation

“With over 20+ years in the industry, I can honestly say that Desi is one of the best inspirational speakers I have worked with throughout my career. Desi’s ability to understand our business and put things into inspirational context or framework enabled him to fully engage my team throughout his presentation. More importantly, it set the tone for the entire meeting and left the team with specific action plans on how to make impact everyday!” –King Pharmaceuticals

“Desi’s specific message to our 2007 Minnesota Vikings team is far and away the best I’ve heard in my 30 years of coaching! He has a compelling life story which he’s able to make come to life as he builds it around team, family, values and goals. His delivery had 61 professional athletes and coaches (a tough crowd) riveted. The greatest part of his talk was relating to the group with interaction and research that he only could have known by doing an extraordinary amount of detailed homework. Desi pulled a group of young, rich guys with big egos together with a unified message of how to live their day to day lives ‘with impact.’ We will attempt to have Desi as an integral part of our future at the Minnesota Vikings for as long as we can retain his services. SIMPLY THE BEST!” –Minnesota Vikings

“Desi’s presentation to our attendees was right on the mark. He did his homework and seamlessly incorporated the pertinent points outlined beforehand into his presentation. The audience was engaged and motivated. Immediately following his presentation, attendees were asking if we could book him again.” –Express Personnel Services

“Desi, Here are just a few of the many positive comments from our attendees:”•‘Excellent speaker who kept your attention; engaged the audience, used catch phrases to help you remember important information.’•‘Great speaker! Lots of energy! Enjoyed this session the best of all the others I’ve been to this SHRM session.’•Amazing presentation, engaging and impactful. Desi’s message on leadership is foundational, elemental and inspiring. This was a WOW experience!’•Unbelievable and remarkable presentation! Very powerful message that hit home in so many ways. Desi absolutely speaks from the heart. Awesome.’ –Society for Human Resource Management

“Desi, is a very dynamic and devoted speaker. He keeps the crowd on the end of their seats and is awe of his every word. Everyone should see/hear his presentation.” –Federally Employed Women

“You delivered everything we asked for and more at our annual Sales Kickoff meeting. ‘Get Off Your Assets’ was inspiring, humorous and just the right message to launch us into our new year.” –Sysco Food Services of Minnesota

“Desi, thank you for your contribution in making our sales rally a huge success. The feedback from my team has been amazing. You just brought the whole event together for us and ended the event sending everyone out the door pumped up to get to the next level. I appreciated the way you integrated not only our Corporate Mission, but also our Regional Culture into your presentation and added an important step of credibility. I wish you continued success and hope our paths cross again at some point.” –Countrywide Home Loans

“Desi, I wanted to thank you for your wonderful and highly inspirational presentation during our sales event in San Jose. Our sales force was very impressed by the nature and manner of your talk. I found your energy and enthusiasm absolutely captivating. Your ‘overcoming any challenge’ message is highly relevant at the professional and personal level and demonstrates POWER of the mind. Its applicability works for any industry or business in America today and can help inspire and motivate people to manage change, improve performance, or tackle a significant obstacle. It was a pleasure to meet someone with such a genuine and sincere openness to the world. Thank you once again!” –Countrywide Home Loans

“Thank you, Desi for being such a HUGE part of our sales rally! Your personal struggles and achievements are inspiring and motivating. You know how to talk to everyone from the lowest to the highest achievers and challenge them to achieve more, and get results! Your words of encouragement will continue to echo through Countrywide’s strategy plan for 2007 and beyond!” –Countrywide Home Loans

“Desi’s presentation was awesome. I’ve only heard a lot of positive feedback. He was compelling, energetic and addressed our key issues quite well.” –Washington Mutual

“Desi was electrifying in his delivery and really kept the audience engaged. His use of real life experiences accompanied by his pre-work knowledge of our industry, company and those in attendance gave him an edge and provided all with some nuggets to live by in the pursuit of the rest of their lives.” –Textron Financial Corporation

“I must admit it is very hard to put into words how pleased I was with Desi’s presentation. I’ve attended many functions with many speakers over the years and Desi has an impact on the audience that I rarely see. He has the ability to engage the audience with not only his story, but into his message.” –Washington Mutual Bank

“Thank you…thank you…thank you for your superb contribution in making RCMA’s 35th Anniversary World Conference such a success. Your participation in this event as keynote speaker meant much to me personally, and I did so appreciate your willingness to take time from your busy schedule to be with us. From the comments, letters and phone calls, the attendees were delighted with your address. They truly found your presentation to be most rewarding…and one which they will long remember.” –Religious Conference Management Association