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Amy Blankson

Helping audiences to find joy in a hyperconnected world

  • Co-Founder and Chief Evangelist Officer of the Digital Wellness Institute
  • Bestselling author of The Future of Happiness and How to Make a Shark Smile
  • The only person named a Point of Light by two Presidents
  • Former Member of the United Nations Global Happiness Council
  • Featured professor in Oprah’s Happiness e-course
  • Recognized as a Master Motivator by the Dallas AI75 list, which honors the most significant people in AI in DFW
  • Member of Harvard’s AI for Human Flourishing Council
  • Regular contributor for Forbes on Women, Technology, and Leadership
  • Received BA from Harvard and MBA from Yale School of Management

All of Amy’s programs can be delivered virtually or in-person and are customized to the needs of the audience. Clients describe her as genuine, warm, insightful, and interactive.

  • AI AND CULTIVATING HUMAN-CENTRIC ORGANIZATIONS: Why Optimism is the Key to Our Future Success
  • THE JOY GAME™: Use the science of happiness to turn stress and exhaustion into the daily practice of joy
  • FEARLESS POSITIVITY: Mastering mindset in the midst of uncertainty
  • DIGITAL THRIVING: Technology and the future of happiness in a hyperconnected world


Throughout the course of human history, technological innovations have consistently sparked fear and apprehension, but AI’s remarkable power and complexity set it apart. Its emergence has ignited heated debates and given rise to endless doomsday scenarios, capturing our collective imagination. However, this preoccupation with fear neither addresses the challenges at hand nor propels us toward a future of greater happiness. In this talk, Amy Blankson, co-founder and Chief Evangelist for the Digital Wellness Institute, will illuminate a path toward a future of AI focused on human-centered flourishing, pulling from her wealth of experience working with leaders and organizations in more than 60 countries. As captured in her bestseller The Future of Happiness, Amy’s passion is seeing AI brought into our personal and professional lives in a way that will ultimately define our identity as a human race and shape the course of happiness for our future.

This program is perfect for leaders and teams:

  • Implementing a new AI initiative
  • Looking to create a more positive change narrative
  • Needing actionable ideas for the ethical, responsible use of AI

The audience will leave with:

  • A deeper understanding of the human response to technology and change
  • A mindset shift about why optimism is the key to a future of happiness with AI
  • Knowledge of how leaders can help shape the social scripts for the use of AI

THE JOY GAME™: Use the science of happiness to turn stress and exhaustion into the daily practice of joy

In the midst of uncertainty and change, we yearn for joy, but the path forward can often feel elusive. We try to do all the right things but, let’s be honest, it’s exhausting. What if we quit trying so hard to be happy and instead approached joy as a game?

In this talk, you will learn how to play the Joy Game, a research-based way to start experimenting with what brings us the most joy in our lives both offline and online. Drawing on principles from game theory and psychology, prepare to not only gain a new perspective for thinking about challenges, meaning and purpose, but also experience joy along the way.

This program is perfect for leaders and teams:

  • Responsible for building positive workplace cultures
  • Needing inspiration to create positive change at work
  • Navigating uncertainty or change
  • Wanting to unlock creativity and innovation—for themselves or others

The audience will leave with:

  • A renewed sense of joy, meaning, and purpose
  • A new perspective for thinking about challenges
  • A sense of personal agency when it comes to effecting positive change at work
  • Actionable strategies for practicing positive habits on a daily basis

FEARLESS POSITIVITY: Mastering mindset in the midst of uncertainty

We all face fear, discomfort, and resistance to change, but our actions in the midst of these mindsets are what truly define us. Fearless positivity is not the absence of fear, but the audacious opportunity to move through it by focusing on what matters most. In this inspiring research-based talk, customized to address your audience’s current challenges, Amy highlights leaders who have courageously chosen positivity in the midst of adversity. Leveraging learnings from positive psychology and behavioral science, she examines how negative mindsets hold us back, why some fear is actually good for us, and strategies to reframe stress to better serve us.

This program is perfect for leaders and teams: 

  • Navigating uncertainty or flux
  • Introducing a new change management or digital transformation project
  • Seeking to inspire employees to tackle an audacious goal
  • Empowering employees to overcome a challenging scenario

The audience will leave with:

  • An understanding of why a positive mindset is crucial for agile/transformative leadership
  • Mindset hacks for how rethink stress and leverage optimism
  • Knowledge of how to use simple “J-GAME” habits to foster greater resilience

DIGITAL THRIVING: Technology and the future of happiness in a hyperconnected world

As we look towards the future of work and learning, wellness has taken center stage. A recent survey reported that over 90% of individuals feel burned out from digital overwhelm–citing the pressures of working across multiple time zones, toggling between applications, fending off digital distraction, overcoming zoom fatigue, and more. While leaders see and recognize these inherent problems, they lack a vision for how to overcome them and ultimately to create a more positive digital culture. In this interactive workshop, join Amy Blankson, CEO of the Digital Wellness Institute, to learn about cutting-edge research from the field, actionable skills for helping your teams, and emerging resources available to you now to create systematic and lasting change.

This program is perfect for leaders and teams: 

  • Feeling the pressure of being always-on in a hyperconnected world
  • Fighting burnout due to communication overload and platform overwhelm
  • Experiencing digital transformations, including the introduction of generative AI, SAP transitions, shifts in platform, or hybrid work
  • Navigating generational and geographic differences in the workplace

The Audience will leave with:

  • An understanding of how to hack your distractions to achieve maximum productivity and life satisfaction
  • Best practices for creating realistic tech-life boundaries to recapture our focus, deepen engagement, and find flow in our everyday activities and relationships.
  • Actionable strategies for optimizing team communication across geographies and generations
  • Deep insight into how tech impacts charisma and how to reshape one’s perception as a leader

Wow- today was incredible! I am positive that every single one of those 178 attendees were able to walk away from today’s event with at least one positive new habit, goal, or outlook on how to practice fearless positivity in their personal and professional lives.

Samantha Goldstein, Strategy & Consulting Delivery Specialist, Accenture Federal Services

“Without exaggeration, that was one of the most impactful presentations I have experienced.  I loved your tips and strategies.  For once, my brain was thinking “I can do that!” rather than “Those ideas would be nice if I had the time.”  I’m really inspired to take the learnings forward, and I will report back on the results.” Hansel Pham, Partner, White & Case Law Firm

“Amy is a gifted speaker in that she knows her subject matter very well and she presents in a way that everyone can not only understand, but also relate to.   She has an ease about her and glow…she is genuine.” Kimberly Habash Dorniden, President & National Executive Director, Siemer Institute

“She exceeded our expectations, and the leaders rated her session VERY high! She was incredibly personable, flexible and engaging. We were very impressed by how well she incorporated our topics into her presentation. She has a great grasp of the healthcare industry, and we loved the practical tips at the end.Aubrea VanderMolen, Talent Development Analyst, Banner Health

“She was absolutely FANTASTIC to have!  Our nurses have more positive, outgoing, and passionate about patient care since her chat today.  We are extremely grateful to have had the pleasure of working with Amy and having her speak to our nurses. Our entire leadership team had a wonderful experience as well.  We are just so very grateful to have had the opportunity to hear Amy speak.  Thank you, thank you, we can’t thank you enough!”  Heather Roff, Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist, Dignity Health

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Amy’s Books