It’s already been two weeks since Memorial Day–the unofficial kick-off to summer. For many people, Memorial Day is a welcome respite after months without a federal holiday. So unless you had the presence of mind to take a spring vacation (and even if you did!), you might be feeling a little burnt out.
This summer, I’d bet money that you’d like to spend less time at the office–or as my brilliant colleague Tony Schwartz calls it, the “White-Collar Salt Mine.” But this is no laughing matter: His research, published in Friday’s New York Times, indicates that 40 percent of people (almost half!) find it difficult to disengage from work.
To me, this is especially depressing in the summer months. Remember what your summers looked like in high school and college? Even for those of us who worked, our main focus was always to have the Best Summer Ever. (All you have to do to remember this feeling is watch the movie Grease.)
As a working adult, how can this summer be your Best Summer Ever? Let’s do a quick exercise to figure out what that might look like. Imagine that it’s a Monday evening in July. You’ve had a great day — you feel accomplished, relaxed and really enjoyed yourself. What did your day look like? How many hours did you work? What did you do besides work?
Read the entire article on Huffington Post.
Dr. Tasha Eurich is an organizational psychologist, speaker and The New York Times bestselling author of Bankable Leadership. Her life’s work is to help organizations succeed by improving the effectiveness of their leaders and teams. With a ten-year track record in the Fortune 500 world, her expertise has been featured in outlets like The New York Times and Forbes.